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master printer : m.a.baratta


for over 15 years i have spent countless hours perfecting different types of photographic printing processes, including: silver- gelatin, chromogenic (C-41), digital archival pigment inkjet and alternative processes not limited to cyanotypes, platinum- palladium and gum bichromate. i have also worked as a silkscreen printer for several companies including FREEGOLDWATCH (SF), Spilt Ink (SLC), and

Radiostar Studios (owned & operated by Sylvia Massy in Weed, California).


i am happy to announce i am able to help assist other artists and photographers reach their printing demands and desires. as a professional printing service i am able to offer high end archival pigment printing using a Canon imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 fine art printer with borderless* enlargements up to 17x22inch (*edge to edge prints).

for film photographers, i offer film scanning on an Epson V800 flatbed scanner for 35mm, medium format and large format negatives. film scanning includes basic color and histogram corrections, but extensive image retouching on scratched or worn negatives is available upon request for an extra fee.

all images scanned and enlargements printed are done so with complete color corrected accuracy and attention to detail. trust me with your next exhibition print or scans for an upcoming publication. 

as of 2021 i have begun to print photographic/text based publications (zines) for other photographers and artists. starting in september of this year i will begin a curated, bi-monthly, submission based photo publication that will be available to purchase through the online store on this site. my hope is to help foster a more robust online artist community through the power of physical medium. i believe it is more important  than ever to keep fine art alive through print based means.

i hold a bfa in studio photography from the university of utah department of art & art history (2020) and partially from the san francisco art institute (2009-2011). my formal training includes learning from and working for the irvine fine arts center (2005-2007) and rayko photo center (2009-2012) as trained darkroom technicians for traditional, chromogenic and digital print labs. i have been commissioned to ma,e prints for other artists since 2011 for various gallery shows around the US. my personal fine art website can be found at

film scanning + retouching example
aura print original scan with film damage
tonal corrections + retouching of damaged area
print & zine examples
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